Connecting to Keysight N7776C by Keysight in Python
Instrument Card
The new Keysight N7776C top line tunable laser source is designed to reach best-in-class accuracy in static and swept operation for outstanding test efficiency. Two-way sweeps up to 200 nm/s speed with sub-picometer repeatability and without impacting the specified dynamic accuracy accelerate wavelength-dependent alignment processes and the automated calibration of wavelength-selective devices. Shorter time to testing and faster swept-wavelength tests help reduce test cost per device, improve test margins and lower the cost of ownership.
Device Specification: here
Manufacturer card: KEYSIGHT
Keysight Technologies, or Keysight, is an American company that manufactures electronics test and measurement equipment and software
- Headquarters: USA
- Yearly Revenue (millions, USD): 5420
- Vendor Website: here
Connect to the Keysight N7776C in Python
Read our guide for turning Python scripts into Flojoy nodes.
Here is a Python script that uses Pymeasure to connect to a Keysight N7776C Laser:
import loggingfrom pymeasure.instruments import Instrumentfrom pymeasure.instruments.validators import strict_discrete_set, strict_range
log = logging.getLogger(__name__)log.addHandler(logging.NullHandler())
WL_RANGE = [1480, 1620]LOCK_PW = 1234
class KeysightN7776C(Instrument): """ This represents the Keysight N7776C Tunable Laser Source interface. """
def __init__(self, adapter, name="N7776C Tunable Laser Source", **kwargs): super().__init__(adapter, name, **kwargs)
locked = Instrument.control( ':LOCK?', ':LOCK %g,' + str(LOCK_PW), """ Boolean property controlling the lock state (True/False) of the laser source""", validator=strict_discrete_set, map_values=True, values={True: 1, False: 0} )
output_enabled = Instrument.control( 'SOUR0:POW:STAT?', 'SOUR0:POW:STAT %g', """ Boolean Property that controls the state (on/off) of the laser source """, validator=strict_discrete_set, map_values=True, values={True: 1, False: 0} )
_output_power_mW = Instrument.control( 'SOUR0:POW?', 'SOUR0:POW %f mW', """ Floating point value indicating the laser output power in mW.""", get_process=lambda v: v * 1e3 )
_output_power_dBm = Instrument.control( 'SOUR0:POW?', 'SOUR0:POW %f dBm', """ Floating point value indicating the laser output power in dBm.""" )
_output_power_unit = Instrument.control( 'SOUR0:POW:UNIT?', 'SOUR0:POW:UNIT %g', """ String parameter controlling the power unit used internally by the laser.""", map_values=True, values={'dBm': 0, 'mW': 1} )
@property def output_power_mW(self): self._output_power_unit = 'mW' return self._output_power_mW
@output_power_mW.setter def output_power_mW(self, new_power): self._output_power_mW = new_power
@property def output_power_dBm(self): self._output_power_unit = 'dBm' return self._output_power_dBm
@output_power_dBm.setter def output_power_dBm(self, new_power): self._output_power_dBm = new_power
trigger_out = Instrument.control( 'TRIG0:OUTP?', 'TRIG0:OUTP %s', """ Specifies if and at which point in a sweep cycle an output trigger is generated and arms the module. """, validator=strict_discrete_set, values=['DIS', 'STF', 'SWF', 'SWST'] )
trigger_in = Instrument.control('TRIG0:INP?', 'TRIG0:INP %s', """ Sets the incoming trigger response and arms the module. """, validator=strict_discrete_set, values=['IGN', 'NEXT', 'SWS'])
wavelength = Instrument.control('sour0:wav?', 'sour0:wav %fnm', """ Absolute wavelength of the output light (in nanometers)""", validator=strict_range, values=WL_RANGE, get_process=lambda v: v * 1e9)
sweep_wl_start = Instrument.control('sour0:wav:swe:star?', 'sour0:wav:swe:star %fnm', """ Start Wavelength (in nanometers) for a sweep.""", validator=strict_range, values=WL_RANGE, get_process=lambda v: v * 1e9) sweep_wl_stop = Instrument.control('sour0:wav:swe:stop?', 'sour0:wav:swe:stop %fnm', """ End Wavelength (in nanometers) for a sweep.""", validator=strict_range, values=WL_RANGE, get_process=lambda v: v * 1e9)
sweep_step = Instrument.control('sour0:wav:swe:step?', 'sour0:wav:swe:step %fnm', """ Step width of the sweep (in nanometers).""", validator=strict_range, values=[0.0001, WL_RANGE[1] - WL_RANGE[0]], get_process=lambda v: v * 1e9) sweep_speed = Instrument.control('sour0:wav:swe:speed?', 'sour0:wav:swe:speed %fnm/s', """ Speed of the sweep (in nanometers per second).""", validator=strict_discrete_set, values=[0.5, 1, 50, 80, 200], get_process=lambda v: v * 1e9) sweep_mode = Instrument.control('sour0:wav:swe:mode?', 'sour0:wav:swe:mode %s', """ Sweep mode of the swept laser source """, validator=strict_discrete_set, values=['STEP', 'MAN', 'CONT']) sweep_twoway = Instrument.control('sour0:wav:swe:rep?', 'sour0:wav:swe:rep %s', """Sets the repeat mode. Applies in stepped,continuous and manual sweep mode.""", validator=strict_discrete_set, map_values=True, values={False: 'ONEW', True: 'TWOW'}) _sweep_params_consistent = Instrument.measurement( 'sour0:wav:swe:chec?', """Returns whether the currently set sweep parameters (sweep mode, sweep start, stop, width, etc.) are consistent. If there is a sweep configuration problem, the laser source is not able to pass a wavelength sweep.""")
sweep_points = Instrument.measurement( 'sour0:read:points? llog', """Returns the number of datapoints that the :READout:DATA? command will return.""")
sweep_state = Instrument.control('sour0:wav:swe?', 'sour0:wav:swe %g', """ State of the wavelength sweep. Stops, starts, pauses or continues a wavelength sweep. Possible state values are 0 (not running), 1 (running) and 2 (paused). Refer to the N7776C user manual for exact usage of the paused option. """, validator=strict_discrete_set, values=[0, 1, 2])
wl_logging = Instrument.control('SOUR0:WAV:SWE:LLOG?', 'SOUR0:WAV:SWE:LLOG %g', """ State (on/off) of the lambda logging feature of the laser source.""", validator=strict_discrete_set, map_values=True, values={True: 1, False: 0})
def valid_sweep_params(self): response = int(self._sweep_params_consistent[0]) if response == 0: return True elif response == 368: log.warning('End Wavelength <= Start Wavelength.') elif response == 369: log.warning('Sweep time too small.') elif response == 370: log.warning('Sweep time too big.') elif response == 371: log.warning('Trigger Frequency too large.') elif response == 372: log.warning('Stepsize too small.') elif response == 373 or response == 378: log.warning('Number of triggers exceeds allowed limit.') elif response == 374: log.warning('The only allowed modulation source with lambda logging \ function is coherence control.') elif response == 375: log.warning('Lambda logging only works Step Finished output trigger configuration') elif response == 376: log.warning('Lambda logging can only be done in continuous sweep mode') elif response == 377: log.warning('The step size must be a multiple of the smallest possible step size') elif response == 379: log.warning('Continuous Sweep and Modulation on.') elif response == 380: log.warning('Start Wavelength is too small.') elif response == 381: log.warning('End Wavelength is too large.') else: log.warning('Unknown Error!') return False
def next_step(self): """ Performs the next sweep step in stepped sweep if it is paused or in manual mode. """ self.write('sour0:wav:swe:step:next')
def previous_step(self): """ Performs one sweep step backwards in stepped sweep if its paused or in manual mode. """ self.write('sour0:wav:swe:step:prev')
def get_wl_data(self): """ Function returning the wavelength data logged in the internal memory of the laser """ # Using pyvisa's method bypassing the normal read. return np.array(self.adapter.connection.query_binary_values('sour0:read:data? llog', datatype=u'd'))
def close(self): """ Fully closes the connection to the instrument through the adapter connection. """ self.adapter.close()
This script defines a class KeysightN7776C
that represents the interface to the Keysight N7776C Tunable Laser Source. The class inherits from Instrument
class provided by Pymeasure.
The class defines various properties and controls to interact with the laser source, such as locked
, output_enabled
, wavelength
, sweep_wl_start
, sweep_wl_stop
, sweep_speed
, sweep_mode
, etc. These properties and controls allow you to set and get various parameters of the laser source, such as lock state, output power, wavelength, sweep parameters, etc.
The class also provides methods like valid_sweep_params
, next_step
, previous_step
, get_wl_data
, and close
for performing additional operations with the laser source.
To use this class, you can create an instance of KeysightN7776C
and then use its properties and methods to control and interact with the laser source. For example:
laser = KeysightN7776C(address)laser.output_enabled = Truelaser.wavelength = 1550laser.sweep_wl_start = 1550laser.sweep_wl_stop = 1560laser.sweep_speed = 1laser.sweep_mode = 'CONT'while laser.sweep_state == 1:'Sweep in progress.')laser.output_enabled = Falselaser.close()
This code snippet connects to the laser source at the specified address, enables the laser output, sets the wavelength to 1550 nm, sets the sweep parameters, starts the sweep, waits for the sweep to complete, disables the laser output, and finally closes the connection to the laser source.